26 January 2006
the house with the "wine room"
arthur and I cracked up over this listing on foxtons. I was just checking back while trolling the web to see if it was still for sale - and low and behold it is under contract. This makes me sad. I wonder if the buyer knows what's up. This house is on a pretty awful block - really pretty downtrodden. I don't know what it sold for but i hope it was way under the asking price. the picture doesn't make it look so bad -a and the slide show shows potential - so maybe i'm wrong. the market is really crazed. but it is attached to a piece of falling downness. the description on foxton's claims that there is a 'wine room' but anyone who would scroll through the slideshow would wonder how that could be. there is no furniture in any of the rooms, except beds with no sheets and a kitchen table. by wine room did they mean crawl space, or rat den, or speed lab? sorry. that's mean. but foxtons - - come on!!
here's the link:

here's the link: